In the 1970s Santa Cruz was dubbed “The Murder Capital of the World” so it’s not surprising that Santa Cruz has more than its fair share of alleged ghosts and ghost sightings. If you want to read stories about famous Santa Cruz Ghosts, l suggest you look for books by Maryanne Porter or Geoffrey Dunn. But if you want to be entertained or in some cases made to shiver by the creative minds of writers telling you their Santa Cruz ghost stories, this is the book for you. There’s even an AI-generated ghost story so you can see what future ghosts may look like.
Contributors include: Nicole Sallak Anderson, Anne Carter, Verlin Darrow, Melody Dean Dimick, Vinnie Hansen, Katherine Bolger Hyde, Helene Simkin Jara, Nancy Lynn Jarvis, Victoria Kazarian, donalee Moulton, Joyce Oroz, Rick Parfitt, Laura Parks, Linda P. Rose, Ed Sams, Lynda West Scott, Aurore Sibley, Jessica Thompson, Larry Vilardo, and Edward Weingold.